Bonus: JB Hi-Fi (w/ Trevor Scott & Chris Bates)

Simon Garfunkle (Trevor Scott) tends to customers and deals with co-workers (Chris Bates & Alexander Krause) while working another normal day at JB Hi-Fi. Everyone learns the dangers of marching orders.

Catch Bates in Les Improvisé MICF tickets here:

Catch Trevor in Bit Storm:

Two Factory Jaunt Night (w/ Sam Browne & Ben Mitchell)

Yasket the Casket (Alexander Krause) speaks with Fin the Tin (Sam Browne) and Benlin the Wizard (Ben Mitchell) about all things cherry and paprika. Plus, Yasket learns echoes feel lovely coming back, prices are lower if you subscribe to the newsletter, and you don’t want to start a relationship saying ‘heyo’ to someone.

The Eulogy Encore (w/ Lauren Crupi, Chris Tim & Isabel Cameron)

Yula Portman (Alexander Krause) invites Betsy Sminton (Lauren Crupi), Ewan Grant (Chris Tim) & Tracy Pokémon (Isabel Cameron) onto the show to discuss their New Years resolutions. Plus, Yula learns you can be surgically removed from the club, why the West Gate Tunnel Project is over-budget, and that the saddest prescription is two pills when the time is right. Happy New Year!

One Last Christmas Special 2024 (w/ Ben Slinger & Trevor Scott)

Yoho Nicholas (Alexander Krause) welcomes his son Poetry (Ben Slinger) & son Eric (Trevor Scott) onto the show for a lovely Christmas dinner. Plus, Yoho learns that nog is in the water, to get up in the rump of a horse costume, and that a son being worse without you is great for self-esteem. Merry Christmas!

Peanut, Don’t Play With Me Like That (w/ Sean M Elliott & Gabby Anderson)

You Langholme (Alexander Krause) chats with Peanut Brittle (Sean M Elliott) & Moss Favour (Gabby Anderson) about being a fly on the wall. Plus, You learns to mourn the Queen’s visage, all about the low confidence of the mortician from Final Destination, and that it’s fun going to Luna Park with your sexiest friends.

I Don’t Want To Talk About It (w/ Andrea Gillum, Lauren Crupi & Chris Tim)

Yella Sminton (Alexander Krause) invites Sarah “Sassy” Squatch (Andrea Gillum), Bertha Meisand (Lauren Crupi) & Mitchell Way (Chris Tim) onto the show to talk all things Piss Brother. Plus, Yella learns that 500 have gone missing but the kids love it, how to be a wet bald beautiful baby boy & that a kiss on the hand is not necessary.

Brains, Looks & Tyre Lever (w/ Jason Rout, Jaye Weatherburn & Trevor Scott)

Yoda Libre (Alexander Krause) sits down with Frank Barfly (Jason Rout), Becky Malecky (Jaye Weatherburn) & Tony Winchester (Trevor Scott) to discuss the number 73. Plus, Yoda learns clever wordplay gets you out of lent, the best episodes of Cheers have Frasier, and that a father leaves watches to inherit.