Cut Copy Pitch: Sylar Killed People


Yep, we’re diving back in just as soon as we got out. That’s right, I’m reading advertising copy, and sharing anecdotes of brand deals falling through. So join me this week for Austin Powers having one joke, nodding big when people mention cinematography, and questioning why my Instagram only shows pictures of feet. And remember, don’t idolise Sylar. He killed people.

Cut Copy Pitch: False Godzilla Equivalencies


We’re fifty episodes into this show and it’s about time we start reusing premises more often. That’s right, I’m reading advertising copy, and sharing anecdotes of brand deals falling through. It’s a rock solid premise. Join me this week for blowing out your Wallace and gromet, misusing your dad’s Macintosh, and being on the receiving end of a trolley problem. Oh no, someone else is about to listen to this, you better hit play and beat them to the punch!

Copy Pitch


Ka-ching baby! It’s payday. And you know what that means. Money? No. It means I try everything in my power to make everything I enjoy profitable. Does it matter that creating audio content is one of the only few joys in my life, and altering the structure of that to help sell meal subscription services would fundamentally change how I view myself as a person? Of course not. Because there is a chance I can get some of that green cheddar. This week I read copy for the most visible of podcast sponsors in an attempt to prove my worth and earn my rank in an audio landscape that’s becoming increasingly more commercialised. Ka-ching baby!