Big Tall Men


What is a podcast? What is this podcast? Seriously, I need help. It’s about time we figured it out. So, join host Alexander Krause as they try to unravel the mysteries of proper podcast structure, wax on Marvel’s the Eternals, and try out a flurry of new slogan ideas. This is one of those must listen episodes that becomes a beacon for other podcasters to replicate. Don’t be surprised if you hear people reference the ‘Big Tall Men’ episode and say things like “That could never be done today”.

Cameo Audition


Who are your friends, really? Like, honestly, who do you really have besides me? Exactly. I see you nodding your head as you read this description. Agreeing as I say that I am your longest, closest and most spiritually rewarding friendship. Well, how about you pay that friendship forward, and supply me with cold hard cash? That’s right, the good folks at Cameo have requested that I audition for the website, and I need your help to become a mainstain -- I mean mainstay. For every listen this episode receives I can display an extra digit to the chief marketing executive of Cameo, and potentially get a sit-down interview with their CEO Steven Galanis. Oh, and Steven, if you’re reading this due to Googling yourself, then please know this is all in good fun you absolute idiot -- I love you.

Copy Pitch


Ka-ching baby! It’s payday. And you know what that means. Money? No. It means I try everything in my power to make everything I enjoy profitable. Does it matter that creating audio content is one of the only few joys in my life, and altering the structure of that to help sell meal subscription services would fundamentally change how I view myself as a person? Of course not. Because there is a chance I can get some of that green cheddar. This week I read copy for the most visible of podcast sponsors in an attempt to prove my worth and earn my rank in an audio landscape that’s becoming increasingly more commercialised. Ka-ching baby!

Price Wars! Coles Vs Woolworths Vs New Donk City


A Current Affair have limited scope. Who has time to head down to the store in this day and age? This week I compare grocery prices of leading Australian grocers to leading Videogame retailers. Always wanted to know whether it’s cheaper to shop in Yakuza or Persona 5? Curious if bread has been inflated over the Elder Scrolls franchise? If yes then boy is this for you.

TIWIS - Scienceworks


It’s a spooky episode of spooky improvised audio soundscapes. This time, the spookiest of locations, Scienceworks. Join me for spooky planetarium Kia advertisements, lightning shows, and a snake under a veranda. If I keep typing ‘spooky’ you might think this qualifies as a Halloween episode. Boo!

For Your Consideration (w/ Nicole Smith)


Above all I am an artist, and what’s more artistic than a beautifully crafted huge stinking trophy? This week Nicole Smith drops by to help get the podcast ready for award season. Join us for all of the usual things we always do; such as relationship advice, food reviews, science chats, tech talk, ad reads, and Knives Out casting news. See, I told you, just all of the usual stuff. I would never undermine my artistic integrity by altering myself to appease Spotify.

Go check out Nicole’s website at:

TIWIS - Royal Botanical Gardens


Another month, another improvised audio soundscape. This time: The Royal Botanical Gardens. Join me this time for a Shakespeare/Coco mash-up, filling in for your boss, and original sin. Listing three things that occur in the episode makes a description come to life! You’re now invested and have to listen.

Big Storm Boys (w/ Trevor Scott and Ben Slinger)


Podcasting’s a difficult game. It can wear you down. Thankfully, I’m always here to lend an ear. This week Trevor Scott and Ben Slinger stop by to get some friendly advice regarding their podcast ‘Bit Storm’. Could the show be more enthusiastic? Does it need a lil’ stinker attitude? Should it heavily feature David Prowse? Well we’re gonna get to the bottom of these questions, and much much more, on this week’s episode.

Go check out ‘Bit Storm’ at:

45. KWYIF - The Rogues’ Gallery Apology Tour


Oh no, it looks like we’ve run out of episodes. But that’s alright, because this one’s a doozy! Join us one final time for the Rogue’s Gallery Apology Tour. It’s been ten years and Anthony is inviting a series of familiar faces back onto the show to chew the fat, and give him back his last name. This episode has it all: an unresolved mansion murder mystery, adoption paper signing, mowing company hijinks, and a series of endings tacked onto the end because it’s hard to let go.

And hey, special thanks to Jackson Taylor-Dobson, an individual who has been on nearly every episode of this production and came back for it’s goodbye. You may not be aware but Jackson voices Michael Phone, Ronnie, Melissa, and has a flawless Kermit impression. He kills it every time.

Anyway, enjoy the episode, and thanks for listening to Know What You’re in for w/ Disgraced Prison Warden Anthony B. Watts. Keep your eyes on for some new content coming soonish. I love you.

Long Road Ahead Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

"Frogs Legs Rag" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

"Werq" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

"Gymnopedie No. 2" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License